

Taking the pledge to serve your country is something that few people make. And once military service is completed, it creates a bond that's never broken. It also comes with a special set of needs for veterans looking to pursue their college degree.
LR's strong sense of community and ability to navigate veteran-specific challenges, 比如大量的文书工作, 使它成为一个吸引许多退伍军人的地方吗. 结果是, 它让许多老兵选择了LR, which also has received official status as a military-friendly school.

As many as 70 military veterans and family members are enrolled at LR in any given year, 目前有53人在2020-21学年全球赌博十大网站.

"I felt at home here, as a veteran," said Mark Hager '99, now an adjunct history professor at LR. "When I went to visit LR, I met a professor in the administrative office. 他叫约翰·福格蒂. 全球网赌十大网站聊了一会儿,我发现他是军人. 这引起了我的注意——有一位在那里教书的老兵. 我可以在课后和他们交流. 全球网赌十大网站会笑着讲全球网赌十大网站在军队里的故事."

二战结束后,多亏了G.I. 比尔,LR的全球赌博十大网站人数暴涨了. 1945年招收了407名学生, the university saw that number more than double to 843 just two years later. Longtime LR football coach and administrator Hanley Painter was one of those veterans who found his way to Hickory after the war, 从那以后的几十年里, 更多的人紧随其后.

Whether it has been professors of years past such as Painter or Fogarty, 或者像海格和大卫·琼斯这样的现任教授, Ph.D., 工商经济学院临时院长, LR has frequently counted veterans among the faculty and staff — the university has even held special events commemorating their service on Veteran's Day — and students who are veterans have regularly found that camaraderie welcome in their time in post-secondary education.



Lenoir-Rhyne has more than 50 bachelor degrees and 30 advanced degrees available, 不同的全球赌博十大网站要求. 通过本科和研究生招生办公室, 在金伯利·奥德的协助下, 注册服务协调员, the university works with veterans to make sure enrollment is as easy as possible. 考虑到G的复杂性,这可能会很棘手.I. Bill, which has three different sections military veterans can tap into in order to access funds. 退伍军人管理局也提供职业康复援助, military tuition assistance and benefits for the dependents of military veterans, 所有这些都需要大量的文书工作.

像黄丝带这样的项目也能带来改变. 这是一个帮助退伍军人支付州外费用的项目, 私立学校或研究生院的学费,911后的G.I. 账单不包括.

For senior Nikolai Patterson, 25, the Yellow Ribbon program was key. 帕特森加入了美国陆军.S. 高中毕业后参军. 谢尔比人, 北卡罗莱纳, he attended one station unit training at Fort Leonard Wood in Missouri after basic training. He was deployed to the Sanai Peninsula for almost 10 months performing route reconnaissance and route security for VIP generals and non-commissioned officers. 在他回到美国之后, he served out the remainder of his enlistment as a K-9 handler in a military police unit.

"Lenoir-Rhyne's Yellow Ribbon program helped me make the final decision, because they were willing to lower their cost of tuition for a veteran so that my post 9/11 G.I. 比尔会支付我所有的学费。”帕特森说. “我会通过该法案支付我的住房费用. 这是一个决定性的因素,我抓住了它."

Flexibility and LR's personal approach also were the deciding factors for Taylorsville, 北卡罗莱纳, Camri Smithey, 21. LR护理专业大三学生, Smithey also is an Airman First Class in the 145th medical group of the Air National Guard. She serves one weekend a month and two weeks each summer based out of Charlotte, 北卡罗莱纳, 她的目标是成为一名军机护士.

"I was a last-minute application because I was in Germany," she said. "My application didn't start until December, but I had a lot of help from the faculty and [Oder]. They made a schedule ahead of time for me so I could get tuition assistance.

"I would say LR is military friendly because of how helpful everyone is. 国民警卫队真的很适合学生. The National Guard is usually deployed a lot, especially stateside. 现在,我的部队因为新冠病毒而被部署. 这就是我加入的主要原因, so I could finish school and receive the benefits of being in the military. 我可以在任何需要的时候部署. If it's summer, I could complete a 70-day deployment between semesters."

在课堂上得A +

Veteran students are also a valuable asset to their peers and the classroom experience.

根据我的经验, faculty feel like veterans have experiences that can really enrich the classroom,凯蒂·费希尔说, 全球网赌十大网站主任. "I believe veterans here feel like faculty members really want to hear what they have to say."

In his time at LR, Patterson has been involved in civic support events and named to the S.A.L.U.T.E国家退伍军人荣誉协会. The organization was founded in 2009 at Colorado State University to honor academic achievement from students who are veterans or actively serving.

"This is something that only veterans get to be a part of if they have the GPA for it,帕特森说. "A lot of other schools do not have a chapter of this organization on their campus."

劳氏的个性化方法甚至延伸到了学生证上. "Something really small that LR did for me was put an American flag behind the picture on a veteran's student ID instead of the normal background,帕特森说. “我发誓要捍卫,如果被召回,我还会这样做. 这也使你有别于一般的18岁学生. 它很小,但实际上对我个人来说意义重大."

Small actions like that add up and make veterans feel truly welcome at LR. “全球网赌十大网站很高兴老兵们选择了LR,”Fisher说. “他们不仅有勇气去为全球网赌十大网站的国家服务, 但他们也有勇气回来上学. 从我的经验来看,他们的成熟度很高. They've been working with rules and regulations, and they're good students."

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