
访问作家系列 continues with spring 2023 lineup of authors and poets

访问作家系列, 成立于1988年, features readings and presentations by authors who have distinguished themselves in literature and often meet with students to discuss the stories behind their works. 的 series’ mission remains the promotion of literary experiences with contemporary writers meant to engage and educate young people at LR.

所有事件, which take place on the LR campus in Hickory unless otherwise noted, 都是免费的, 欢迎公众参加.


特蕾西·K. 史密斯


特蕾西·K. 史密斯

特蕾西·K. 史密斯 is the author of four books of poetry: “的 Body’s Question” (2003), which won the Cave Canem prize for the best first book by an African-American poet; “Duende” (2007), winner of the James Laughlin Award and the Essense Literary Award; 火星上的生命” (2011), winner of the Pulitzer Prize for Poetry; and “Wade in the Water” (2018). In 2014 she was awarded the Academy of American Poets fellowship. 她还写了一本回忆录, 《全球赌博十大网站》(2015), 这本书入围了美国国家图书奖的非虚构类作品. 2017年6月,史密斯被任命为美国联邦调查局局长.S. 桂冠诗人.

2012年,她凭借诗集获得普利策诗歌奖, 火星上的生命,” draws upon the genre of science fiction in considering who we humans are and what the vast universe holds for us. 在政治急迫的诗歌中, 温柔, 哀歌与智慧, 史密斯描绘了一个又一个未来的图景, imagines the afterlife and contemplates life here on earth in our institutions, 城市, 房子和心. 《全球网赌十大网站》是《全球赌博十大网站》的畅销书, a “New York Times” Book Review Editors’ Choice and a “New Yorker,” “图书馆 Journal” and “Publishers Weekly” Best Book of the Year.

她为歌剧《全球赌博十大网站》写了剧本.“根源在于历史上黑人拥有土地的冲突, 这部作品是与作曲家格雷戈里·斯皮尔斯合作的. Originally set to premiere in July 2020 with the Cincinnati Opera, 这部作品被推迟到2022年的夏季艺术节. 史密斯在哈佛大学教书, where she is a professor of English and of African and African American Studies and the Susan S. 和肯尼斯·L. 哈佛大学拉德克利夫学院的瓦拉赫教授.


2023年2月16日星期四晚7点.m., P.E. 梦露礼堂


霍华德科比 is a prolific baseball writer on a variety of topics affecting the game. His most celebrated works include “Full Dissidence: Notes From an Uneven Playing Field,《全球网赌十大网站》,《全球赌博十大网站》,“给游戏注入活力:毒品。, 权力, and the Fight for the Soul of Major League Baseball” and “Shut Out: A Story of Race and Baseball in Boston.”

他曾两次获得凯西奖(《全球网赌十大网站》),” 2003, 《全球网赌十大网站》,” 2011) for best baseball book of the year and a 2003 finalist for the Society for American Baseball 研究 Seymour Medal. “的 Heritage” was the recipient of the 2019 Nonfiction Award from the American 图书馆 Association’s Black Caucus and the Harry Shaw and Katrina Hazard Donald Award for Outstanding Work in African American Studies awarded by the Popular Culture Association.

He has been senior writer for ESPN since 2007 and has served as the sports correspondent for NPR’s “Weekend Edition Saturday” since 2006. In 2017, he served as the guest editor for the “Best American Sports Writing” anthology.

Previously, Bryant worked at “的 Washington Post,” “Boston Herald,” “的 Record” (Hackensack, N.J.)、《全球网赌十大网站》和《全球赌博十大网站》.”

他赢得了无数奖项, was a finalist for the National Magazine Award in 2016 and 2018, 都是为了评论, and earned the 2016 Salute to Excellence Award from the National Association of Black Journalists. 除了, 科比曾出演过几部纪录片, 包括《全球赌博十大网站》和《全球赌博十大网站》,,由肯·伯恩斯执导, 《全球赌博十大网站》,,由史密森学会和美国职业棒球大联盟制作.


2023年4月22日星期六,时间待定.E. 梦露礼堂

Naomi Shihab Nye

Naomi Shihab Nye形容自己是一个“流浪诗人”.” She has spent more than 40 years traveling the country and the world to lead writing workshops and inspiring students of all ages. Nye was born to a Palestinian father and an American mother and grew up in St. 路易,耶路撒冷和圣安东尼奥. 利用她的巴勒斯坦裔美国血统, the cultural diversity of her home in Texas and her experiences traveling in Asia, 欧洲, 加拿大, 墨西哥和中东, 奈用她的作品来证明全球网赌十大网站共有的人性.

Known for poetry that lends a fresh perspective to ordinary events, 人与物, 奈已经说过了, 为她, “诗歌的主要来源一直是当地的生活, 在街上遇到的随机人物, our own ancestry sifting down to us through small essential daily tasks.” She is also considered one of the leading female poets of the American Southwest. A contributor to “Contemporary Poets” wrote that Nye “brings attention to the female as a humorous, 扭曲的生物, hard intelligence and a sense of personal freedom unheard of” in the history of pioneer women.

Nye is the recipient of numerous honors and awards 为她 work, including the Ivan Sandrof Award for Lifetime Achievement from the National Book Critics Circle, 拉万奖, 帕特森诗歌奖, Carity Randall奖, 伊莎贝拉·加德纳诗歌奖, 李·班尼特·霍普金斯诗歌奖, 罗伯特·克里利奖和许多手推车奖.

她曾获得兰南基金会的奖学金, 她是古根海姆基金会的维特·拜纳研究员. From 2010 to 2015, she served as a Chancellor of the Academy of American Poets. In 2018, she was awarded the Lon Tinkle Award for Lifetime Achievement from the Texas Institute of Letters. 奈是诗歌基金会的桂冠青年诗人. 奈继续在圣安东尼奥生活和工作, Texas where she is professor of creative writing at Texas State University.


成立于1988年秋, the Lenoir-Rhyne University 访问作家系列 invites authors to tell the stories behind their works in a relaxed environment before an audience filled with campus and community members. 作家系列的使命是建立一个读者社区, 因为它相信一个读书的社区更有创造力, 开放包容的社区. 除了, VWS believes the beauty and power of words helps people make sense of the world. 儿童作家, 神秘作家, 散文家, 诗人和小说家都赞美书面和口头语言.


的 访问ing Writer’s Series is made possible by support from the following sponsors and grant providers: United Arts Council of Catawba County through the North Carolina Arts Council, 在北卡罗来纳州的资助下, 国家艺术基金会和北卡罗来纳艺术委员会, 自然和文化资源部的一个部门.

全球赌博十大网站 & 事件

Chad Rimmer通过Zoom出现在Q的大屏幕上&在Belk Centrum的一个会议

保持沟通渠道畅通,牧师博士. Chad Rimmer took questions from LTSS alumni to provide updates and clarity about the seminary's upcoming relocation.

Three students walking across campus with Grace Chapel and Shaw Plaza in the background

促进善良, 通过艺术产生共鸣和社区, 教育和娱乐, makes LR and 的 Art of Compassion a perfect fit for partnership.
