

大学教务处是大学的重要成员,负责精心管理和加强与学生档案有关的学术运作和行政职能, 招生, and course scheduling across three locations in two states. The 大学注册 serves as a key steward of undergraduate and graduate academic policies, ensuring compliance with institutional standards and governmental regulations. By leveraging innovative technologies and best practices in higher education, 大学教务处将致力于创造一个无缝和以学生为中心的体验,以营造一个促进学术成功的环境, 进展, 及时完成学位.

通过与学术院校的合作, 教师, 以及其他大学办公室, the 大学注册 will play a pivotal role in maintaining the integrity of academic records, 促进有效的注册程序, and supporting strategic initiatives that advance the university's mission of academic excellence. The 大学注册 will serve as a trusted leader, dedicated to fostering a culture of continuous improvement, 包容与服务, 同时拥护大学为所有学生提供变革性教育体验的承诺. 大学注册主任将监督和评估办公室内的工作人员,以确保公平的工作量和为大学选民和利益相关者提供优质的服务.


多样性, 公平和包容是大学致力于卓越参与和教育的组成部分. 全球网赌十大网站对那些通过培养包容性环境等活动展现出参与多样性和公平性经验的候选人特别感兴趣, 与来自不同背景的教师和/或学生一起工作,并/或在他们目前或以前的职位上融入不同的观点.


学生记录 & 登记管理

  • Maintain and monitor the database for student records in accordance with university policies, the guidelines of the American Association of Collegiate 注册商s and 全球赌博十大网站s Officers (AACRAO), 认证机构的要求, federal and state laws and the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA).
  • 制定并确保遵守与维护学术诚信和学生记录保密相关的政策.
  • 维护准确、完整的学生数据记录.
  • Prepare academic warning, probation, suspension and dismissal reports for Academic Standing review.
  • 管理学术注册流程,确保按照既定的政策和程序高效、方便地访问系统.
  • 与招生办公室合作,准确地将新生添加到学生信息系统中.


  • Conduct degree audits to verify 学生’ progress toward graduation.
  • 监督协调, evaluation and certification of all graduation applications, as well as present the official graduation list to the 教师 for approval.
  • Certify completion of degree requirements to include majors, 未成年人, 通识教育, 荣誉和其他毕业要求.
  • 出具正式成绩单和文凭.


  • 与学院和本科教育助理教务长合作,确保在注册系统开放之前,每个学期的课程安排都是清晰和正确的.
  • Ensure accurate publication of course offerings and any course fees associated with them.


  • Interpret and enforce academic policies and procedures, 确保与机构指导方针和认证标准保持一致,同时随时了解任何变化.
  • Assist in annual revision and publication of the University Catalog.
  • 在目录和学生信息系统中保持准确的课程信息,监督学术项目委员会和教师大会批准的变更.
  • 实施和管理学生信息系统及相关技术,以提高存档效率, 登记, 转录和学位完成.


  • Partner with the Office of Information Technology to provide leadership, education and direction both within the division and the campus community, 作为相关的学生信息系统.
  • In coordination with the University's Chief Information Officer, 定期审查在注册和记录保留政策和流程中推荐和应用技术的最佳实践.


  • Ensure that the registrar’s office provides prompt, accurate and efficient services and information to 学生, 校友, 教师, 管理员和外部机构.
  • Maintain close coordination with other 招生 man年龄ment-related offices, 包括全球赌博十大网站, 金融援助, 业务办公室, athletics and 承担中央 to aid in strategic 招生 planning.
  • 在大学委员会任职, 按指定的或按约定的, 包括学术计划委员会, 教务长委员会, 全球赌博十大网站及学术
  • Communicate important academic information, including FERPA 培训, to 学生, 教师 and 工作人员.
  • Collaborate with the president’s office regarding commencement activities.


  • Collaborate with Institutional 研究 to ensure accurate reporting to internal constituents (e.g. institutional research, academic affairs, president’s office) and external stakeholders (e.g., National Student Clearinghouse, IPEDS, Department of Defense).
  • 证明学生有资格参加NCAA校际运动和退伍军人福利.


  • 评估和处理从其他机构转来的学分以及大学先修课程的学分, CLEP, 剑桥, 国际学士学位, 等.
  • 与招生办公室协调,为未来的学生创建一个快速生成转学学分评估的流程.


  • 确保学历在学生信息系统中正确建立,并执行批准的日期.


  • 参与持续的专业发展,以跟上学术管理的最佳实践和趋势.
  • 确定并实施流程改进,以提高所有用于学术记录的系统的有效性, 登记, 抄录, 等.


  • Man年龄 daily operations of the registrar’s office.
  • 具备开发和提供培训的能力,以确保所有员工能够按照所有大学和认证机构的指导方针和政策履行职责.
  • 为教务处员工提供领导和绩效管理方面的反馈,以确保公平和积极的工作环境.



  • Master’s degree in any field required, with degree in higher education or related field preferred.
  • 在注册办公室或地区认可的大学环境中担任类似职位的相关工作经验(最好至少5年).
  • In-depth knowledge of academic policies, procedures and regulations in a university
  • 在将技术应用于现有的和新兴的应用程序以及创新的学生信息系统(SIS)方法方面具有丰富的经验, 注册流程, customer relation man年龄ment (CRM) systems and other related functions.
  • Strong commitment and track record of successful regulatory compliance and assessment.
  • 与机构内外的选区建立积极关系的良好记录,对招生成功至关重要.
  • 对专业发展的坚定承诺, 客户满意度, identifying best practices and applying process improvements.
  • 在瞬息万变的环境中接受并领导必要的变革和改进, 成本意识, highly-accountable环境.
  • 全面的数据报告和分析技能.
  • Excellent written and verbal communication skills.
  • Strong analytical and problem-solving skills with attention to detail.


  • 丰富的微软Office 365经验, PowerCAMPUS学生信息系统, 石板CRM, Acalog, 学位审核制度, Canvas and classroom/event room man年龄ment systems.

Position requirements in the role description outlined above indicate the minimum level of knowledge, skills and/or abilities deemed necessary to perform the job competently. 角色描述是对职责的概述, 责任, 和职位的要求,并不是打算被解释为详尽的职位清单. 员工可能被要求执行其他与工作相关的任务,并获得新的技能和责任. Lenoir-Rhyne University reserves the right to modify, 添加, 删除, 或者放弃责任, 职位所要求的职责和技能.


The review of applications will begin on January 29, 2024, and continue until position is filled.

  • Letter of application specifically 添加ressing the position description, 资格, 以及你们是如何支持多样性的, 你目前和以前的职位的公平性和包容性,以及/或你计划如何在勒努瓦-莱恩大学工作.
  • 简历或简历.
  • 三个专业推荐人的名单, 包括名字, 当前位置, 电子邮件, 添加ress, 电话号码.
    The university’s mission, vision and values statement may be reviewed on the university's 关于 页面. 任何有关职位或搜索过程的问题都应以电子方式提交给搜索委员会主席, Dr. 昏暗的 Floyd, Assistant Provost for Academic Operations, at 昏暗的.Floyd@ayleenskateboards.net


勒努瓦-雷恩大学是男女同校的, private masters comprehensive liberal arts institution founded in 1891, 其传统的校园位于山科里, 北卡罗莱纳, 一个有40多人的小镇,000. The university has 添加itional campus centers in Asheville, NC, 和哥伦比亚, SC, which include the Lutheran Theological Southern Seminary (LTSS). Situated in the foothills of the Blue Ridge Mountains, Lenoir-Rhyne is less than an hour’s drive from Charlotte, and the Hickory–Lenoir–Morganton Metropolitan Statistical Area has a population of about 365,000. 该大学目前为大约2400名学生提供50多个本科和30个研究生学位课程. Lenoir-Rhyne University seeks to liberate mind and spirit, 澄清个人信仰, 培养身体的完整性, 建立社区, and promote responsible leadership for service worldwide. Affiliated with the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA), 勒努瓦-雷恩提倡多元化的校园,向所有宗教和非宗教背景的人开放. 请浏览全球网赌十大网站关于 通过网页了解更多关于这所大学的信息.


Lenoir-Rhyne University does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, 国家的起源, 公民身份, 宗教, 政治面貌, 年龄, 婚姻状况, 性, gender (including gender identity and expression), 性取向, 残疾状态, 遗传学, 怀孕或退伍.

Lenoir-Rhyne’s 非歧视和平等机会政策 extends to all aspects of employment, 包括但不限于招聘, 招聘, 培训, 促销活动, 转移, 重新分配, 降级, 纪律, 放电, 业绩评估, compensation and benefits as well as the education setting. Lenoir-Rhyne is committed to providing an environment that promotes diversity, 股本, 教师的包容和归属感, 工作人员, 学生, 承包商, 义工及访客.


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允许的类型:pdf, doc, docx.
Including name, 当前位置, 电子邮件, 添加ress 电话号码. 
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