Go Beyond What’s Expected


应用 your passion for helping others.

Being a nurse is one of the most impactful careers you can choose. You can go anywhere in the world and change lives, but it all starts at our renowned nursing 程序 at LR

Started in 1910, LR的护理课程是该州最古老的课程之一,也是第一个在信仰学院或大学获得完全认可的课程. 它被列为北卡罗来纳州最好的课程之一,在全国范围内享有很高的声誉,每年有90%以上的学生通过州执照考试.

通常, 大多数LR护理专业的学生在毕业前已经被提供并接受了全职工作.

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护理学院提供以基督教信仰和文科为基础的本科和研究生护理课程. 全球网赌十大网站教育护理领导者谁影响卫生保健的质量,通过促进健康和疾病管理在全球社会.

The faculty strives to develop specific cognitive, 情感, 学生的心理运动和技术技能,使您能够与医疗团队的其他成员合作,并通过使用信息技术提高医疗质量, clinical judgment and research.


Degree Pathways


护理专业的毕业生可以继续攻读护理专业的研究生课程,并在新兴的护理领域继续接受教育. By graduating with your Bachelor of Science in Nursing from LR, you will be eligible for alumni tuition discounts for the Doctor of Nursing Practice 程序.

  • Pre-Licensure Bachelor of Science in Nursing

    In the pre-licensure route, 你可以通过在勒努瓦-雷恩大学完成传统的四年制课程获得护理学学士学位. 学生也可以从其他学院或大学转学分进入本课程.
    勒努瓦-莱恩护理专业的学生受益于应用科学和以文科为基础的核心课程. 学生 apply to the School of Nursing in the spring of their sophomore year. Once accepted, 学生 begin the 程序 in the fall of the junior year. Upon graduation, 护士准备参加国家执照考试(NCLEX®),并准备进入护理行业,提供直接的病人护理.

    Through our 熊绑定 程序, 学生, including early college/middle college high school 学生, 修读文科副学士(AA)或理科副学士(AS),并符合护理学院的录取标准,可申请直接入读护理课程.

    这意味着,如果学生在5月份以AA或AS成绩毕业,并且满足护理学院的全球赌博十大网站标准, the student can immediately begin NUR 231 and NUR 235 as summer courses, keeping the student on track to graduate within two years.

    In addition to earning an AA or AS, 学生 need to be aware of the following nursing admission criteria: 

    • 在秋季课程开始之前,已通过或正在获得认证 
    • tea考试成绩达到65分或以上(学生也可以在夏季参加考试,但必须达到65分或以上才能晋级) 
    • Minimum cumulative GPA and nursing GPA of 2.9或以上
      • Courses factored into Nursing GPA are Anatomy & Physiology I (BIO 165 or BIO 168), Anatomy & Physiology II (BIO 166 or BIO 169), Microbiology (BIO 275), 有机化学或普通化学(CHM 130或CHM 131或CHM 151), Introduction to Statistics or Applied Statistics (MAT 152 or MAT 252), 营养 (BIO 155), General Psychology (PSY 150), Developmental Psychology (PSY 241), Introduction to Sociology (SOC 210), Introduction to Professional Nursing (NUR 231 - LR), 健康 Assessment (NUR 235 - LR). 
    • 成功完成解剖学(C或C以上,且不超过一门实验科学课程) & Physiology I (BIO 165 or BIO 168), Anatomy & Physiology II (BIO 166 or BIO 169), Microbiology (BIO 275), 有机化学或普通化学(CHM 130或CHM 131或CHM 151), Introduction to Statistics or Applied Statistics, 营养, General Psychology, Developmental Psychology, Introduction To Sociology, Introduction to Professional Nursing (NUR 231 - LR), 健康 Assessment (NUR 235 - LR). 
    • 成功完成统计学概论(MAT 152)或应用统计学(MAT 252) (C或以上), 营养 (BIO 155), General Psychology (PSY 150), Developmental Psychology (PSY 241), and Introduction To Sociology (SOC 210). 


  • RN to Bachelor of Science in Nursing

    在这条道路上,你可以通过预许可的途径获得护理学学士学位. If you’ve already earned an associate degree in nursing, you can take this 程序 and work as a nurse, while completing your bachelor’s degree in three or four semesters.

  • RIBN (Regionally Increasing Baccalaureate prepared Nurses)

    RIBN是一个双招生项目,你有机会在勒努瓦-雷恩大学和一些地区社区学院完成课程. 在完全转到LR完成护理学学士学位之前,您需要在社区学院学习预先批准的课程列表以获得护理学副学士学位.

Jake Pierce

I chose LR because it was the best overall fit. The recommendations and reputation of the nursing 程序 are unmatched.

Jake Pierce '20 Nursing

Learning Outside the Classroom

Qualified nursing 学生 may become members of μα西格马Theta Tau国际护理荣誉协会的勒努瓦-雷恩当地分会.

Sigma Theta Tau International provides leadership and scholarship in practice, education and research to enhance the health of all people. 荣誉协会支持其成员的学习和专业发展, who strive to improve nursing care worldwide.

你也有机会参加定期的学生社区服务活动,如为全校活动筹款活动, 山麓无家可归的退伍军人退出和社区健康促进项目.

Career Opportunities

劳氏的护理课程为您在多个专业领域的各种护理相关职位做好准备, such as: obstetrics, 妇科, labor/delivery, newborn/neonatal intensive care, 儿科, medical/surgical/operating room services, intensive/critical care, oncology/palliative care, home health/public health, geriatric care and psychiatric care.

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