
拥有LR的工程物理学位, you can find a fulfilling career in fields such as mechanical engineering, 电气与光学工程, 应用科学与技术, 物理和更多.

The engineering physics major combines a rich foundation in traditional physics study with a curriculum designed to support your professional and academic goals regarding engineering-related fields.

The program gives you the perfect combination of knowledge gained through rigorous classroom work with fun, experiential learning opportunities to put you at the front of the line for cutting-edge careers or prepare you for graduate school at the best universities in the country.

学生 in LR’s engineer physics program have attended graduate school and been accepted into Ph.D. 加州大学洛杉矶分校, 北卡罗来纳州立大学, 弗吉尼亚理工大学和克莱姆森大学, while others have interned at NASA and for the Aerospace Corporation and gone on to work for Rolls Royce Corporation and for Lockheed Martin working in 航空航天, 武器与国防.


朝着完成B的目标迈出下一步.S. 在勒努瓦-雷恩大学获得工程物理学位.


朝着完成B的目标迈出下一步achelor of Science 在勒努瓦-雷恩大学获得工程物理学位.



  • 传统的跟踪36-38学时,包括分析物理课程, 经典力学和量子力学, 电,磁,动能和热力学.
  • 生物物理学跟踪: 69-71 course hours that include courses in physics, biology and chemistry

除了这两个物理轨道, 该项目还提供地球科学和天文学课程. 辅修课程包括天文学、地球科学和物理学.

合格的学生也可以参加LR 3+2 前期项目 与全球网赌十大网站在北卡罗来纳州和南卡罗来纳州的合作大学合作. This program has been approved by the Subcommittee on Engineering Transfer to allow articulation and transfer to the engineering programs at North Carolina A&T州立大学, 北卡罗来纳州立大学 University and the University of North Carolina at Charlotte.

Additionally, LR sustains a similar partnership with Clemson University. 完成96小时的工程预科课程后, qualified students who are admitted by the partner institution may transfer to complete the requirements for a bachelor’s (or higher) degree in engineering. These hours “articulate” back and count toward completion of a bachelor’s degree at LR. 进一步了解全球网赌十大网站在进行职前培训的机会.

物理学也是一个重要的组成部分, 作为专业或适当的课程, 在准备一些研究生专业课程.

Demarius Hampton, Kyle Duggar和Dr. Doug骑士

LR taught us to use our time wisely and has provided me with a ‘keep moving forward' mentality. 博士和. 奈特一直在帮助全球网赌十大网站展示自己的潜力.

Demarius Hampton, 19岁,工程物理专业


Future employers and post-graduate schools will look at your entire undergraduate work both inside and outside the classroom. Take full advantage of all opportunities that are available to you at LR, 包括研究, 出国留学, 实习, 学生社团和组织.

  • 研究

    工程物理专业的学生完成一个 独立研究项目 - performing all aspects of scientific discovery from data collection and observation to experimentation and evaluation – and you present your findings to faculty and peers as part of their degree requirements. These opportunities for independent research provide exceptional preparation for professional pathways after graduation.

  • 实习

    学生也经常有机会参与 实习. 校园里也有勤工俭学的机会, through which qualified students can gain valuable experience serving as lab assistants in the pPhysics program.

  • 职业生涯

    A degree in engineering physics opens up a diversity of career options for graduates—both because of the specific training in the content of the discipline and due to the general skills encouraged in the study of Physics, e.g.,解决问题,分析思维,计算能力,数据分析.

    The majority of physics and engineering physics majors go on to pursue advanced degrees in professional and/or academic settings. The engineering physics major prepares students for careers in technology and science, 无论是在产业界还是学术界.

    学生 (sometimes with additional education) may choose from many fields of engineering, 气候学及气象学, 能源, 航空航天, 医药和保健, 建筑及运输, 在许多其他领域中.

  • 学生活动


    We field a rocketry team that has competed in the NASA University Student Launch Initiative in Alabama and was selected to participate in Spaceport America Cup in New Mexico against rocketry teams from throughout the world.

    讲座 & 网络

    The College of Natural Science hosts the Steelman Lecture Series through which renowned scientists and scientific writers are invited to speak to the campus and surrounding community. 就业和毕业生学校之夜也每年举行. These events feature former students and respected professionals in the field who speak with current students, 提供各种职业选择的信息和指导.


    Physics students have the opportunity to view the stars, planets and moon though The 卡托巴山谷天文俱乐部. Club members assist with public star gazes at the observatory atop the Minges Science Building on the LR campus. 全球网赌十大网站有一个12.5-inch Cassegrain reflecting telescope and observatory on the roof of Minges Science Building that can be used in astronomy classes and research opportunities.

全球赌博十大网站 & 事件


凯尔挖, Demarius Hampton and Saaehim Brooks coded and engineered a laser-timed 40-yard dash machine for their research physics class project.


The LR Rocket team was selected as 1 of 150 teams across the globe to compete in the 2020 Spaceport America Cup in Las Cruces, 新墨西哥队对阵俄罗斯队, 巴西, 巴基斯坦, 丹麦, 挪威, 波兰, 瑞士和其他国家.
