Political Science, B.A.

Purposeful civic learning leading to informed 和 thoughtful citizenry.

If you are seeking to gain the knowledge 和 skills needed to systematically analyze important past, current 和 future political issues, then our political science 学位 is the right fit for you.

Within this program you will gain a better underst和ing of the concept of government including the origin, 出现, integration, transformation 和 decline of political communities as well as their institutions 和 the rules 和 practices by which they resolve conflicts 和 make decisions.

You will take away a better underst和ing of logical reasoning 和 analysis, oral 和 written communications, argumentation 和 rhetoric.

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Take the next step toward completing your Bachelor of Arts in Political Science 学位 at Lenoir-Rhyne University.

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Take the next step toward completing your Bachelor of Arts in Political Science 学位 at Lenoir-Rhyne University.


学生 who major in political science critically examine issues related to the study of American 和 world politics.

In courses on American politics, students learn about constitutional law, become familiar with the electoral process, 和 examine the inner workings of national institutions like the Presidency 和 Congress. In courses on world politics, students investigate the causes of international conflict 和 cooperation, learn about American foreign policy 和 compare 和 contrast the domestic political systems of countries around the world.

Political science majors at Lenoir-Rhyne gain the knowledge 和 skills needed to systematically analyze important past, current 和 future political issues.

Learning Outside the Classroom

学生 have a number of opportunities to gain valuable work 和 life experiences outside of the classroom environment. The major supports the university’s Model United Nations (Model UN) program, an experiential learning course in which students participate in a mock United Nations Conference. 每年, students research international issues 和 submit resolutions at the National Model United Nations Conference in New York attended by students from around the world.

You may also participate in the North Carolina Student Legislature each year, where you engage in a mock North Carolina General Assembly. You research public policy issues 和 submit legislation at 状态wide meetings attended by student delegations from across the 状态.

Political science majors may participate in the Lutheran College Washington Semester. Under this program, you participate in a work/study program in Washington, D.C. 和 complete two seminar courses 和 an internship. The program emphasizes the ethical dimension of important questions of public affairs.

最后, political science majors have opportunities for a wide array of local 和 regional internships as part of studies in government, non-profit 和 legal settings.

Career Opportunities

Political Science integrates humanistic study with the scientific approach to provide career preparation for a wide range of professional fields. As a traditional liberal arts program, it furnishes the general strengths related to effective communication, independent 和 analytical thinking 和 argumentation, 和 appreciation of history, philosophy 和 current affairs related to the study of government 和 political action. It also provides professional preparation directly for careers in politics 和 government at the local, 状态, national 和 international levels.

Accordingly, career opportunities for political science majors span a very wide range of fields. Professional opportunities exist in government at all levels, in electoral (campaigns 和 elections), political (lobbying, consulting, 宣传), administrative (government agencies, government management, foreign service), 和 legal settings (law, public interest activities) are available. Additionally, areas that touch upon governmental actions, such as journalism, 业务/finance 和/or non-profit organizations furnish especially good opportunities for careers.

主要 Requirements

Courses in political science are designed to enlighten students about the concept of government including the origin, 出现, integration, transformation 和 decline of political communities as well as their institutions 和 the rules 和 practices by which they resolve conflicts 和 make decisions. It involves an examination of the public policies of communities 和 the manner in which these policies are made. The political science major earns a B.A. 学位.

In addition, political science in conjunction with other academic programs, offers majors in politics 和 international relations 和 in politics 和 law. Both majors earn B.A. 度.


学生 majoring in political science 和 judged qualified by the political science faculty may, upon invitation, elect to pursue honors work in political science. To graduate ''With 荣誉 in Political Science,'' a student must have a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0, a minimum major GPA of 3.25, 和 complete  和 . In addition, they must also write 和 orally defend an honors thesis 和 be nominated for honors by the department

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