Maintaining Immigration Status


  • 如果你的电话号码有任何变化,请向舒福德全球赌博十大网站中心报告, email addresses, actual and current U.S. address and site of activity within 10 days of any changes.
  • 参加为期一年的学术交流,保持完整的课程学习和良好的学术进步.
  • Avoid doing unauthorized employment.
  • 在美国逗留期间,保持符合DS-2019第二页所述要求的保险范围.S.

Your Timeline

It is important to remember that all exchange visitors, whether students or scholars in the J program, have a specific program to fulfill. 你的移民记录和你的项目都有开始日期和结束日期,当你计划完成你的原始项目和目标时.

  • SEVIS Record

    Any aspects of the SEVIS record should be updated as information changes. This may involve requesting an extension of the program. 延期申请必须及时提出,以便在项目结束日期之前获得批准. 在项目结束后的宽限期内不能延期.

  • Leaving Early

    有时,学术或个人生活中的情况可能会压倒项目的追求,因此需要提前结束项目. In order to appropriately end a SEVIS record, the Shuford Center will need to speak with you about your plans. 全球网赌十大网站可以帮助您考虑J-1签证身份的要求,避免对移民记录造成负面影响.

    如果你只是停止上学,你的记录将按照法律的要求被终止. 终止申请可能会严重影响今后成功申请美国签证的机会.S. immigration status.

    Please note that gaps in the J program are not permitted. 你必须连续参加一个完整的课程学习,或者完全参与他们的项目.

  • Two-Year Residence Requirement

    Many exchange visitors in J status, including J-2 dependents, 是否受到通常所说的两年规则或两年居住要求的约束. The regulatory citation used on visas and I-94 cards is 212(e).

    Each time an exchange visitor in J status receives a visa from a U.S. consulate abroad, 领事馆应在DS-2019表格和/或签证上注明该人是否受两年规定的约束. 

    DS-2019表格上的指示出现在DS-2019表格左下角的方框中,需要领事官员的背书. 在您申请国外签证之前,LR签发的延期和修订表格通常不会包含此指示. 签证上的注释通常会写“两年的规定适用”或“212(e)不适用”。. Occasionally, the consulate will not mark either document, but the rule will still be in effect if it applies.

    The two-year rule applies to you if you have received U.S. 或者外国政府专门用于全球赌博十大网站交流的资金,或者你的专业出现在你最后一个永久居住国的技能清单上. 

    如果您的领域出现在您最后永久居住国的列表中, 在申请任何类型的移民签证之前,你应该回到那个国家两年, including H, L, or permanent residency. 

    Time spent outside the U.S., but not in the last country of permanent residence, does not count toward fulfillment of the two-year rule.

    The two-year rule affects the following statuses:

    • H and L 
    • Any form of permanent residency (including spouse of U.S. citizen or permanent resident and winners of the diversity visa lottery)
    • Change to any other status while remaining in the U.S.

    The two-year rule does not affect eligibility for non-immigrant statuses, such as B-tourist, A-diplomat, F-student or J-exchange visitor. 


    If you wish to change your status, 你必须获得对两年规定的豁免,或者在美国移民局申请一个新的身份.S. consulate abroad. For more information on waiver issues, visit the U.S. Department of State website.

    请注意,一旦担保人收到国务院批准豁免的建议, no further extensions of one's J status are permitted.

  • Insurance

    To maintain valid J-1 status, 您和您的家属必须购买符合DS-2019表格第二页要求的保险.

    劳氏提供的保险符合这些要求,并将自动代表您购买并向您收费,除非(仅限学者)提供符合所有要求的替代保险证明. 有关具体承保范围的其他信息可随时要求,并将通过电子邮件提供.

  • Course Load

    To maintain valid J-1 status, students must maintain a full course of study. 在秋季或春季学期,本科生在LR的全日制注册被定义为至少12小时, 这些学分都不是通过在线课程获得的, and for graduates as nine hours minimum. 


    注册学生可以在开学第一周的选课期间选课或退课, as long as a full course load is maintained. After the drop/add period, you must obtain prior authorization from the OIE for a reduced course load. 


    1. A bona fide academic reason, as documented in writing by the academic advisor
    2. 由有执照的医生或心理学家/精神科医生定义的医疗状况


  • Unauthorized Employment

    To maintain valid J-1 status, you must avoid unauthorized employment. 重要的是要明白,就业是任何类型的工作或提供服务,以换取任何利益, including but not limited to:

    • Money
    • Tuition
    • Fees
    • Books
    • Supplies 
    • Room and board. 

    Employment might include informal tutoring, babysitting, 或者教别人开车或演奏乐器,如果有利益交换的话.

    Any employment (including paid and unpaid internship type opportunities, for academic credit, or not for academic credit) done without specific written authorization, and authorization in SEVIS, DS-2019表格第2栏所示的项目发起人(LR或ISEP)的申请是非法的.
